WILLIAM MOORE (1853-1909)
(Last Updated: September 13, 2014)
Around 1853 William MOOR(E) was born in the Orkneys of Scotland. Descendants variously refer to the surname as both MOOR and MOORE.
In 1862 Rosalie “Rosie” MERCREDI (William’s future wife) was born at St Norbert (south of Winnipeg), daughter of Genevieve LAMIRANDE & Francois MERCREDI (1832-1900), both Métis born (of French Canadian ancestry). Rosie’s father was a Voyageur for the Hudson’s Bay Company (HBC) but he maintained a home in St Vital - St Norbert where his family lived much of the time while he was working in the Cumberland and Grand Rapids districts.
In 1875 the Canadian Government began to offer free Homestead Land Grants in Red River Country. It was an enticement that drew wannabe homesteader from all over the world.
In 1876 William MOORE (around 23 years old) immigrated to Canada. It seems like a good possibility that he may have arrived at York Factory and hitched a ride with a fur trade brigade that landed at Grand Rapids where he would have met his future father-in-law, Francois MERCREDI and his teenage daughter Rosalie. William found employment as a carpenter there, and very soon began romancing Rosalie; in the summer of 1877 she gave birth to his child, Mary, who only lived for three days.
By 1878 Francois MERCREDI (Rosie’s father) had retired from the HBC and had settled with his family at Grand Rapids which had been his work base during much of his career as a voyageur and fisherman. He and his children were then Treaty Indians.
** An interesting note: Grand Chief Ovide MERCREDI (born 1946 at Grand Rapids) was a great grandson of Francois MERCREDI. Rosie’s brother, Norbert MERCREDI (born 1878) was Ovide’s Grandfather.

Chief Ovide Mercredi
William marries Rosalie MERCREDI
In 1878 William married Rosalie at Grand Rapids. That same year her sister, Harriet MERCREDI, married Joseph HOURSTON. Another sister Marguerite MERCREDI, was already married at the time to Xavier LECLERC/ LECLAIR (1851-1932) and was living at St Pierre-Jolys (south of Winnipeg in RM of De Salaberry). Xavier was the son of Genevieve LAMIRANDE and Francois MERCREDI (1832-1900). ** MORE ABOUT FRANCOIS MERCREDI
Rosalie’s second child, James, also died in infancy (at 3 months). Their third child was Willie who was born at Grand Rapids in the Fall of 1880; he survived. A fourth child, Edward, was born there in 1881; he also died in infancy (at 9 months).
Move to St Pierre-Joys, RM of De Salaberry
It was around 1882 that William moved to the St Pierre-Jolys area in the Rural Municipality of De Salaberry, south of Winnipeg. On Jan 23, 1883, son Robert was born there; Alfred in 1886; Marie Elizabeth in 1889 and Joseph in 1890.
In the Census of 1891 the family was enumerated in the RM of De Salaberry; Rosie as age 28, William as age 40. Children as: William (age 11), Robert (6), Marie (age 2) and baby Joseph (5 months).
On Nov 25, 1892, son Joseph Lorenzo was the last child born in De Salaberry. On Dec 5, 1892, son Fred was born at Otterburne, about halfway between St Pierre-Jolys and Winnipeg.
Move to Winnipeg
By 1895 William and his family had moved into Winnipeg where he would remain for the rest of his life.
On Jun 25, 1895, another son named Joseph was born in Winnipeg. This Joseph is rather puzzling simply because he has no distinguishing middle name. Vital Stats lists three different sons with the first name Joseph, and Rosie MERCREDI is distinctly indicated as the maiden name of the mother of each. First there was Joseph Alphonse Roger born in 1890, Joseph Lorenzo born in 1892 and thirdly this Joseph in 1895 (with no middle name). In later census records only one Joseph is referred to, suggesting that the other two may have died. The surviving Joseph, based on his age given in those following census records, has to be Joseph Alphonse Roger born in 1890.
To add yet more puzzlement and confusion, Wes (on the Forum) seems to insist that the mother of his ancestral Joseph MOORE had the maiden name of Rosie MACARTHY, a Scottish sounding name that doesn’t seem to appear in any of the records that I have searched (for that period). Circumstantial evidence in my mind leans very heavily toward Rosie MERCREDI (of French descent) as his mother. Furthermore, the Family Tree of Greg BERTHELETTE (also a descendant) supports my contention. We most certainly look forward to and invite Greg or anyone else with some further enlightenment to join in our discussions in that regard on the Forum of this website.

A = 450 Jarvis Avenue
It seems that Rosie and her children lived at various times and places on both sides of the
CPR Rail Yards, essentially within walking distance of each other
The family of William MOORE was recorded in Winnipeg in the 1901 census and again in the 1906 census at which time children were recorded as Willie (age 20), Robby (18), Marie (11), Joseph (10), David M (4) and Rose (age 3).
William MOORE Dies
On Mar 7, 1909 William MOORE died in Winnipeg of stomach cancer. This left Widow Rosie with a large family of youngsters ranging in age from 8 years old and upward. Joseph would have been about 18 years old then, his brother Fred about 19.
World War I
On Aug 4, 1914 Great Britain (Canada on Aug 5) declared war on Germany and Austria-Hungary to uphold treaties with France and Belgium which were under German attack. This marked the beginning of World War I.
Early in 1915 son Joseph married Etta Pearl BELL, daughter of Elizabeth Ellen DUNKELD & John BELL (1852-1929) who was born in England. On May 31, 1915 Joseph enlisted in the 223rd Overseas Battalion indicating his next of kin as his wife Helta (Etta) Pearl BELL of 450 Jarvie (450 Jarvis Ave).
On July 5, 1915, Joseph’s son Fred MOORE enlisted at Winnipeg stating he was born Dec 5, 1892 at Otterburne, MB (midway between St Pierre-Jolys and Winnipeg; his next-of-kin as his mother (Mrs. Rosie MOORE of 167 Flora Avenue (north of China Town and the CPR rail yards (“The North End”).
On July 10, 1915 son Robert MOORE enlisted at Winnipeg stating he was born on Jan 28, 1844 at Lake Winnipeg (Grand Rapids).
On Aug 11, 1918 son Fred died in France, probably during the Battle of the Somme. He was buried in the cemetery located there.
November 11,1919, Armistice Day (Remembrance Day) marked the end of the First World War.
On Aug 7, 1923, daughter Maria Elizabeth married in South Norfolk (SW of Portage la Prairie) to Joseph Alexander KIPLING, son of Marie Jane OUELLETTE & John KIPLING (born1854).
On Jan 30, 1926 Rosalie died in St Boniface Hospital from burns to her arms, legs and body. She was buried in the Assumption Cemetery off Osborne Street.
We most certainly invite discussions about this family at the following Link: FORUM re WILLIAM MOORE
============================= Family Details =============================
1. Summer, 1877 MARY MOORE (Died in infancy, 3 days)
2. c1879 JAMES MOORE (Died in infancy)
4. 1881 EDWARD MOOR (Died in infancy, 9 months)
5. Jan 23, 1883 ROBERT “ROBBY” MOORE (?m. Jennie, ?m. Mary)
6. Oct 20, 1886 ALFRED MOORE
7. Sep 30, 1889 MARIE ELIZABETH MOORE (m. Joseph Alexander KIPLING)
8. Nov 29, 1890 JOSEPH ALPHONSE ROGER MOORE (m. Etta Pearl BELL)
10. Dec 5, 1892 FREDERICK (ALFRED, FRED) MOORE (Died in WW I)
11. Jun 25, 1895 JOSEPH (no middle name) MOORE
12. Jun 1, 1896 DAVID M MOORE
13. Dec 28, 1897 ROSALIE ADELINE (MADELEN) MOORE (m. John Maurice HALL)
14. Jun 11, 1901 GEORGE HENRY MOORE