96 year old Pi Kennedy and I are following your discussion about his grandfather Alexander. Very interesting. I am a retired CBC journalist and have known Pi for a long time. At his request I am writing a book about Pi's 86 years as a dog driver and trapper. It reads like a Huck Finn/Tom Sawyer adventure story. I just came from his home (I call it Pi time) he appreciates all of your research because he actually knew very little about his grandfather. Because of information Janet Sillman provided Alexander Kennedy will be honoured in the summer with a gravestone dedicated to Indigenous veterans because the Nile Campaign was the first combat Canadians fought alongside the Commonwealth and is part of Canadian Military heritage. Pi remembers his grandfather's medals but is not certain where they went. As Derek mentioned Alexander Jr's marriage certificate lists Adelaide Uusui (also known as Naquayamo) as his mother. I also have a copy of Alex Jr's WWI recruitment document. It appears that he was drafted in 1918. Two years after his marriage. The discharge forms are confusing. On one death is circled. Another is a casualty form with no specifics. There is a memorial tombstone to Alex Kennedy in the Peace River cemetery with 2018 on it. Pi had heard from his dad Phillip that his brother Alex jr was killed in the war but I have not confirmed this.
Hi Patty. Well you couldn't have picked a better man than Pi to write a book about. He's someone that all the kids who grew up in Fort Smith looked up to and a lot of us considered him our hero. I am honored to be able to call him a cousin and friend.
There is some mention of Alex Sr in a few books from the Peace Country as Alex was very well known. He was considered to be an outstanding dog musher just like Pi. I also recall reading somewhere that Alex was cooking for the treaty party on a trip north. It might have been in Victor Alexis Mercredi's diary which you can find online.
One more bit of information that you may be interested in. Peggy LePrete Thomas states in her Metis Scrip claim that Alex Kennedy Sr had fathered one of her children after her husband had died. She claims her son Jules is the son of Alex. I don't know anything further on Jules or his mother Peggy Leprete's family as I haven't researched them but Pi may be interested in knowing he had another uncle and maybe cousins.
Alex Kennnedy Jr did pass away young. His widow Bella Laboucan had married Napoleon Auger in 1924.
There are a couple photos of Alex Sr in the NWT archives. One identified as Alex Sr chopping down a tree may not be Alex. I've seen the photo before and at that time it was identified as Joseph Gauthier who lived in Fort Smith during Alex Sr's time there. It was well before my time and is second hand information so I may be wrong.
There is some mention of Alex Sr in a few books from the Peace Country as Alex was very well known. He was considered to be an outstanding dog musher just like Pi. I also recall reading somewhere that Alex was cooking for the treaty party on a trip north. It might have been in Victor Alexis Mercredi's diary which you can find online.
One more bit of information that you may be interested in. Peggy LePrete Thomas states in her Metis Scrip claim that Alex Kennedy Sr had fathered one of her children after her husband had died. She claims her son Jules is the son of Alex. I don't know anything further on Jules or his mother Peggy Leprete's family as I haven't researched them but Pi may be interested in knowing he had another uncle and maybe cousins.
Alex Kennnedy Jr did pass away young. His widow Bella Laboucan had married Napoleon Auger in 1924.
There are a couple photos of Alex Sr in the NWT archives. One identified as Alex Sr chopping down a tree may not be Alex. I've seen the photo before and at that time it was identified as Joseph Gauthier who lived in Fort Smith during Alex Sr's time there. It was well before my time and is second hand information so I may be wrong.
Woosh. Pi’s book is at the printer’s and will be available early December in time for his 97th birthday on Dec 9. Title is “In the Wild: Pi Kennedy a lifetime on the trapline” It is filled with his stories from childhood till now accompanied by his impressive photographs. He continues to share his experiences so we are considering a Blog called Pi Time with new stories every month. Because Pi requested it I will continue to research his Kennedy family. He is especially curious about his grandmother Ususui who he never met. Derek, you may know the answer to a mystery. When his dad Phillip and Pi were in the bush one spring their canoe was gone. Phillip swiftly built a new one with materials from the bush. Pi is still impressed at his skill and speed as if building a canoe was something he’d done all his life. Then he named it which is unusual and called it the S.S. Sault Ste Marie, even more unusual. Pi has no idea what his Dad’s connections was to Sault Ste Marie. He wonders if it comes from one of his grandfather’s stories from his days as a mail carrier and voyageur. Any thoughts?