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 JOHN ANDERSON (1804-1884)

(Last Updated: July 23, 2015)


John ANDERSON was born Sep 4, 1804 in Red River, son of Mary Suzette DEMORAN (Indian) and James ANDERSON (1775-1856), the HBC Tailor from the Orkneys. ** MORE ABOUT JAMES ANDERSON


Union of the North West Company with the Hudson’s Bay Company
John marries Mary Anne DESMARAIS


In 1821 the union of the North West Company (NWC) and the Hudson’s Bay Company (HBC) occurred, ending the years of bitter rivalry for dominance of the fur trade in Western Canada.George SIMPSON (1786-1860) became the new Governor of Rupert’s Land. Also at the time of the Union, Reverend John WEST (1778-1845) arrived from England as the first Chaplain in the northwest.


On Jan 23, 1821 John was baptized at Brandon House by Reverend John WEST (1778-1845), the first HBC clergyman in the west. ** MORE ABOUT REVEREND JOHN WEST


Assiniboine River region in Peter Fidler's Time


In 1821 union of the North West Company (NWC) and the Hudson’s Bay Company (HBC) occurred, ending years of bitter rivalry for dominance of the fur trade in Western Canada. (Sir) George SIMPSON (1786-1860) became the Governor of Rupert’s Land.After the union many employees were laid off and offered land at the Red River Settlement.


Around 1826 John married Mary Anne DESMARAIS, daughter of Mary (Indian) and Francois DESMARAIS (1770-1849), a French Canadian.




In 1835 John ANDERSON was recorded as the owner of River Lot 25 in St Andrews (near Lower Fort Garry). There were 10 persons in his household. He had three horses and five cattle; two farm implements and two carts. He had 10 acres under cultivation.


In 1838 eldest daughter Elizabeth married James SANDERSON at St Johns (Red River), son of Sally (Cree Indian) and James Thomas SANDERSON SR (1780-1873). ** MORE ABOUT JAMES THOMAS SANDERSON


In 1842 daughter Mary Nancy married David LITTLEBOW-SANDERSON in St Andrews, son of Nancy Ann WHITFORD and David “ATTIAH-PISS” LITTLEBOW. David became a step-son of his mother’s second husband, James Thomas SANDERSON (1780-1873). ** MORE ABOUT JAMES THOMAS SANDERSON


Around 1847 son David married an Indian woman named Mary Matilda.


In 1850 daughter Margaret married Henry ERASMUS in St Andrews, son of Catherine BUDD and Peter ERASMUS (1794-1849) from Denmark. ** MORE ABOUT PETER ERASMUS


In 1851 son-in-law James SANDERSON died by drowning when his boat capsized in Lake Manitoba Widowed daughter Elizabeth then re-married to William SUTHERLAND (b-1825) of uncertain origins.


Move to Portage la Prairie


In 1853, with the groundwork laid at St Peters, Reverend William COCKRAN (1798-1865) left with his family to start a mission at Portage la Prairie. At the same time about 12 other families from Middlechurch and St Andrews settled in Portage as members of the first St Mary’s congregation. These included John and Thomas ANDERSON (his brother); Baptiste (Mary Anne’s brother) and John DESMARAIS, and Peter and Simon WHITFORD.


Gladstone - Winnipeg


In 1854 eldest son John Jr. married Christina WHITFORD in Portage la Prairie, daughter of Christie SPENCE and Peter WHITFORD (1780-1872).
Also in 1854 son James married Fanny GILL in Portage la Prairie, daughter of Sophia HARPER and Robert GILL (1820-1849) from Scotland.


In 1858 son David, widowed, re-married to Nancy BADGER in St Peters, daughter of Elizabeth SANDERSON and William BADGER (b-1820).
Around 1858 son William married Ann VENNE of uncertain origins.


In 1859, son Charles ANDERSON married Maria COOK, daughter of Mary Anne BEARDY and William COOK (1815-1885). ** MORE ABOUT WILLIAM COOK


Around 1860 daughter Eliza married Andrew TAIT, son of Mary BEAR and William TAIT (1792-1878).



In 1863 son Robert married Elizabeth KIP in Portage la Prairie, daughter of an Indian woman & Donald KIP, an American

In 1864 youngest daughter Harriet married Philip TURNER in Fort a la Corne, son of Sarah HUMPHREYVILLE and Joseph TURNER (1816-1885). ** MORE ABOUT JOSEPH TURNER


Canadian Confederation
Red River Rebellion
Manitoba becomes a Province


On July 1, 1867 the British colonies in North America were united under the British North American Act to become the Dominion of Canada. Sir John A MACDONALD (1815-1891) was appointed as Canada’s first Prime Minister; a month later he won the first federal election.William McDOUGALL (1822-1905) became the Minister of Public Works, and he begannegotiations to acquire Rupert’s Land from the HBC, sending out surveyors to prepare the way for an expected influx of settlers.


On Oct 11, 1869, Louis RIEL (1844-1885) placed his foot on the surveyors’ chain to tell them their work was finished. This marked the beginning of a Red River Metis Rebellion.


On July 15,1870 Manitoba became the fifth province of Canada, the Canadian Government having acquired the territory previously governed by the HBC. The Rebellion was essentially over.




On August 18, 1875 John claimed his Half-breed Scrip as a resident of White Mud, Marquette (Westbourne area). When he signed his affidavit he stated “We are about to proceed to Saskatchewan immediately.”


Prince Albert - The Pas


Census 1881 in Prince Albert: John ANDERSON and his wife Mary, both age 80. With them is son Charles Thomas ANDERSON and his wife Maria (both age 42).


On Dec 23, 1884 John ANDERSON died in Prince Albert. Wife Mary Anne died there as well on Dec 14, 1892.


Comments and queries at this link: FORUM DISCUSSING the JOHN ANDERSON FAMILY


===================== Family Details =====================




2. Feb 18, 1826 MARY NANCY ANDERSON (m. David "Little Bow" aka SANDERSON)
3. 1827 JOHN ANDERSON (m. Christiana WHITFORD)
4. May 1, 1827 DAVID ANDERSON (m1. Mary Matilda INDIAN, m2. Nancy BADGER)
5. 1830 HANNAH ANDERSON (Died in infancy 1 mo old)
6. May 1, 1833 JAMES FRANCIS ANDERSON (m1. Fanny GILL, m2. Ann McKENZIE)
8. Sep 7, 1836 MARIA ANDERSON
9. Apr 16, 1838 WILLIAM ANDERSON (m. Anne VENNE)
10. Feb 10, 1840 CHARLES THOMAS ANDERSON (m1. Maria COOK, m2. Mary Ann ANDERSON)
11. Oct 24, 1841 GEORGE ANDERSON
12. Oct 11, 1843 ROBERT ANDERSON (m. Elizabeth KIP)
13. 1845 ELIZA ANDERSON (m. Andrew TAIT)
14. 1849 HARRIET ANDERSON (m. Philip TURNER)

