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Post by gnstill » Sun May 13, 2012 5:47 pm

New Family Page: ALEXANDER KENNEDY (1852-1935)

We look forward to discussions about this family hereunder.

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Post by Kennedy/Thomas » Sat Mar 07, 2015 12:40 am

Sandy Sayer(b. 1882) is buddies with John George Kennedy(b. 1870) as deckhands and carpenters(see: pg 239 of Gimli Saga: http://manitobia.ca/resources/books/loc ... es/013.pdf). Their fathers taught them ie. George Sayer(see George Sayer page of this website) taught carpentry to his son Sandy and JG's father Alex(ander) who died in Winnipeg as a carpenter taught him(see: Alexander Kennedy(b. 1852) page of this website). Alexander Kennedy helps build a church for the Church of England intended for Indians in the agricultural program living on the St. Peters Reserve were all the Kennedy's in my family tree called home. They also worked in logging and paid well compared to farming-unless the rewards of sewing the seeds could be seen as per Rev. Cochrane. Alex is there also because he is related to the Scottish Sinclair Clan by way of his mother Margarite Sinclair(c.1820). Sandy Sayer's sister is Caroline Sayer, the mother of Ventrice Thomas(See: Ventrice Thomas page on this website). Sandy Sayer married his buddy JG's 'sister' Flora Kennedy making Flora Ventrice Thomas's aunt by marriage. Sandy and Caroline Sayer's father is George Sayer and an Ojibwa woman whose ancestors are highly likely to come from Ontario, possibly the US side of the border on their way to Manitoba following the wild rice field routes-wandering along living as they did before Europeans arrived. Caroline Sayer lived on Bear/Matheson Island with an Anderson. The islands here are were Louis Simard/Seymour lived with his wife Betsy Cochrane who was most likely baptized by Rev. Cochrane, the same Cochrane(s) who were involved with the St. Peters(Peguis) Indians during Cochrane's agricultural reform. Betsy's maiden name prior to European contact was Thaddeus(French) and her mother's name at death was Eugenia Thaddeus nee Stephenson/Stevenson aka Appitayossin. Another of JG's daughters, Margaret Kennedy married Charles Simard/Seymour, the son of Louis Simard/Seymour and wife Betsy Simard nee Cochrane nee Stephenson/Stevenson aka Appitayossins(Ojibwa/Saulteaux persuasion).

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Post by derekhk » Wed Mar 06, 2019 1:39 pm

There is an Alex Kennedy buried in the Anglican graveyard at Fort Smith NWT. He had a son Philip Allen Kennedy that moved to Fort Smith with him. They came from the Peace River area and he was a veteran of the Nile Expedition. He was originally in Red River. His grave marker has him being born December 28, 1854 and he died in Fort Smith December 27, 1938. I think this is the Alex Kennedy that laid claim to Lot 19 at St Peters. His son Philip died 1944 and is buried in the St Isadore Catholic Cemetery in Fort Smith. Philip's wife Leonni Mercredi was Catholic. Philip's children are buried in both the Anglican and Catholic Cemeteries. Two of Philip's children are still living in Fort Smith, Philip Jr born 1926 and Charles born 1931.

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Post by JanetS » Tue Nov 10, 2020 10:49 am

Hello! The Alex Kennedy of Fort Smith was my grandmother Barbara Ellen Gaddy Silman's first cousin - her mother Margaret Kennedy (early 1830s-c1873) was the youngest sister of Alex's father (whose name I would love to know). Alex of Fort Smith was born I think in 1854 ... - he died in 1838. I speak on the phone with Philip his grandson who is still living at Fort Smith. Charles died recently. I'd love to know how Alexander of Fort Smith fit into the Kennedy family at Red River!

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Post by JanetS » Fri Nov 13, 2020 3:28 pm

Hello again!
According to Philip (Pi) Kennedy (1926- ) his grandfather Alex Kennedy died at Fort Smith, NWT (where grandson Alex still lives) in 1938 at the age of 84 which would put him born c1854, and Pi knows he came from somewhere in the Peace River region but didn't know about his Red River origins - but since my grandmother's mother - Margaret Kennedy (early 1830s - c1873) - was his father's youngest sister, this Fort Smith Alex Kennedy did indeed come from Red River and he was on the 1884 Nile expedition. If the Alex Kennedy who died in Winnipeg in 1935 was the Alex Kennedy researched here in Red River Ancestry.ca[/i, then they are different people. BUT if they are one and the same person, that would help me find which Kennedy family I'm related to!
I do know that the Fort Smith Alex Kennedy had two sons born at Fort Smith, as listed in the 1991 Census - Alex Jr., age 14 and Philip, age 12 - Philip being Pi's father. Pi (Philip, age 94 on Dec. 9!) said yesterday that he didn't know anything about Tawatinaw, Alberta and any son Donald, so I think that might be a different Alex Kennedy in the 1916 CEnsus.
However, it is quite possible that the Fort Smith Alex (b. c1854) had an earlier family in Red River with Margaret Dennet that he didn't talk about with his grandson Pi, who was only about 12 when his grandfather died, even though Pi knew his grandfather well - went out on the trapline with him.
My grandmother, Barbara Ellen Gaddy (Silman) had another cousin, Deacon Jeremiah Johnston with whom she corresponded (born c.1861, possibly at Berens River - d. May 6, 1935 in Virgiinia, Minnesota, married to Mary McLeod - June 11, 1862 - ?). I would love to know how they were related and which Johnston family Jeremiah was from - maybe a Jeremiah Johnstonne and Betsy (Eliz) Kennedy who mariied in 1843 but that seems too early and I really don't know!
My grandma had a sister who did live at Selkirk (St. Peter's) in the 1900s, and I think at Hodgson, MB. - my older siblings have more info about that - her name was Jenny Gaddie Stevenson (1863-1953) - she was married to George Stevenson (his dates might be 1869 - 1967 but I'm not sure). They had a son Albert. Does anyone know anything about them? My grandma also mentioned that we are related to the Bears, but I don't know how.

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Post by JanetS » Fri Nov 13, 2020 3:53 pm

Whoops, I meant to write "the 1911 Census" with regards to the Fort Smith Alex Kennedys two sons.

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Post by derekhk » Thu Dec 10, 2020 11:59 am

Hi Janet. Philip (Pie) is a good friend of mine. I used to be his neighbor when I lived in Fort Smith. He's also a first cousin to my mother. I also knew Charlie and James. Pie's mother and my grandfather were siblings. Pie was one of the last full time trappers who lived on his trapline most of his life. There's only a couple people older than him living in Fort Smith at this time.
I guess Pie might not have known about Alex Jr maybe because Alex Jr never lived in Fort Smith. Philip and Alex Jr were not born in Fort Smith. Alex Jr lived in Peace River and was married to Bella Laboucane in Peace River in 1916. On Alex Jr's marriage certificate he names his parents as Alexander Kennedy and Adelaide Uussui. Adelaide gives her last name as Naquayamo on her scrip application. I'm pretty sure there was only one Alex Kennedy in the Peace Country and he originally came from Red River and moved to Fort Smith where he died and was buried.

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Post by JanetS » Fri Sep 17, 2021 2:39 pm

derekhk wrote: Wed Mar 06, 2019 1:39 pm There is an Alex Kennedy buried in the Anglican graveyard at Fort Smith NWT. He had a son Philip Allen Kennedy that moved to Fort Smith with him. They came from the Peace River area and he was a veteran of the Nile Expedition. He was originally in Red River. His grave marker has him being born December 28, 1854 and he died in Fort Smith December 27, 1938. I think this is the Alex Kennedy that laid claim to Lot 19 at St Peters. His son Philip died 1944 and is buried in the St Isadore Catholic Cemetery in Fort Smith. Philip's wife Leonni Mercredi was Catholic. Philip's children are buried in both the Anglican and Catholic Cemeteries. Two of Philip's children are still living in Fort Smith, Philip Jr born 1926 and Charles born 1931.
Hello Derek - I'm not sure how to use this website but I'm trying to reply to you regarding Alex, Philip and Pi Kennedy. I just spoke to Pi on the phone and he is stilll doing quite well, though has trouble with his feet and with a knee - but other than that his mind, his hearing and his sight are all good! I just want to say that I appreciate all the information you've given on this Forum - Pi remembers you and your brothers.

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Post by derekhk » Sat Oct 16, 2021 11:41 pm

Hi Janet. Good to hear that Pie is doing well. His healthy lifestyle sure helped with that.
I guess you must be aware of some of your relatives marriage and death certificates being available in the BC Archives. There are Gaddy's and Silman's in there. Also noticed an Ida Johnson married to a Gaddy if memory serves me correct. Use their search tips as they can make it a lot easier searching.
So a bit further discussion on Alex Kennedy. Back in the 1980's I was recording all the graves that I could find in the Fort Fitzgerald, Fort Smith, Salt River, Hay River and Yellowknife cemeteries. Alex was one of the graves in the Anglican Cemetery in Fort Smith that I photographed and was also interested in finding out the stories behind these people. Who were they and where did they come from and did they have kids and siblings and who were their parents....etc... I don't want to give anyone the wrong information or mislead anyone because there may be a chance that my research is not as accurate as it should be but the research I did (back in the 80's) on the Alex Kennedy buried in Fort Smith led me to conclude that he was the son of Philip Kennedy and Jessie McKenzie. I think Philip's Kennedy's parents were Alexander Kennedy and Agatha Bear. I know very little of the St Peters Kennedy's but it appears the letters Alex wrote to the government to get his lot back had some clues as to what family he came from. He gave an Uncles name and he also mentioned a date as to when his Mother was still alive. Another place that may have some information is the Anglican Church in Fort Smith. The Church register may have his parents listed on his funeral record.

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Post by JanetS » Thu Nov 18, 2021 6:05 pm

Hello Derek! Good to hear from you, and thanks for the information - there is such a confusion with all the Alexander Kennedys! I would love to know if and how Fort Smith Alex [who was a first cousin of my grandma - Barbara Ellen Gaddy (Gaddie) Silman] is related to the chief factor Alexander Kennedy (1781-1832) and Agatha(s) Bear - I used to think he was - the chief factor and Agathas had nine or ten children, one of whom was Philip Kennedy (b. 1816) who married Jessie McKenzie and had 12 children between 1839 and 1862 (some of whom died in infancy). And Philip and Jessie did have an Alex but he was born in 1845 (married Sarah Inkster). Fort Smith Alex was born about 1854 so the dates don't match. However, it intrigues me that Fort Smith Alex named his son Philip!! And you know how often parents gave their children family first names! So that always has been a head-scratching mystery to me that I would love to solve.

According to an 1886 scrip application by one of my grandmother's sister's - Margaret Gaddy McKinnon, my great-grandmother Margaret Kennedy (c. 1835 - 1873) who married Alexander Gaddy(ie) was the daughter of Sarah and John Kennedy - and Sarah was "the sister of Jane Kennedy of St. Peter's." And I think Sarah is the Sally Kennedy who was baptized in 1835 at St. Peter's - "Indian Settlement on Red River" -with five of her children - James, Jane, Margaret, Peter and Thomas Kennedy. I think that that Margaret is my great-grandmother and that Thomas is the father of Fort Smith Alex Kennedy. I found a number of references to Thomas and son Alex Kennedy at Norway House in the 1870s - in the book "Mission in Cree-Ojibwe Country" when the family worked for the missionaries Egerton Ryerson Young and his wife. In fact, in that book there is a letter from Alex Kennedy to the Youngs written in 1890.

But I still wonder about the chief factor Alex Kennedy and Aggathas Bear connection? Does anyone have any ideas??

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