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CHARLES FOX (c1820-1868)
(Last Updated: August 06, 2013)


Charles FOX was born around 1820 somewhere in the Northwest Territories (according to several references); however nobody seems to know his exact origins. In 1820 the Northwest Territories referred to was a vast undefined region. It seems most likely that he was either an Indian or a half-breed; the name FOX perhaps suggests the former. The first and last place we find recorded evidence of him was in the St Peters Indian Settlement. I find only one FOX listed in the Hudson’s Bay Company Archives and that is William FOX born around 1855, apparently Charles’ only son (that I am aware of). The FOX surname does appear in later records, both most of those were born much later than our Charles. If anyone has information that will help us out, by all means let’s discuss it on the Forum; there are lots of people out there, some of them Charles’ descendants, who are eager to know more about their ancestor.


Around 1841 Charles married Theresa (Thirza) STEVENS, daughter of an Indian woman named Mary MEENISH and Richard STEVENS (1796-1872), an Englishman. ** MORE ABOUT RICHARD STEVENS


St Andrews - St Peters 1857

Part of Henry Hind’s Map based on his observations of 1857

The Lockport Bridge was eventually built north of the St Andrews Church, and south of
Little Britain, about where the ‘Water Mill’ is indicated


Manitoba Historical Society (MHS): There is no record of windmill construction during the 1860s but during that decade a number of water mills were erected in both the long established and newly settled parts of the colony (Red River). In the summer of 1861 Charles FOX erected a water-powered mill in St. Peter’s parish (Indian Settlement). The Nor’Wester commented that “It is to be placed on a stream or rivulet which runs all winter—a very important advantage and will have a circular saw attached for planks, boards, shingles etc.”


Around 1862 daughter Nancy married Thomas BIRD, son of Mary Anne THOMAS & George BIRD (1798-1855).



Charles FOX died in 1868, the year after Canadian Confederation.


Western Land Grants: Lot 232 St Peters Parish: Names: Ann BIRD – Charles FOX the late – Mark PERRY – Thirza FOX et al – William FOX – William HARPER. There is no date reference for this land grant, but it refers to the late Charles FOX, indicating it must have granted just before or soon after he died in 1868. The wording in this record is a little puzzling; who is Mark PERRY and who is William HARPER?. Here’s the link to see it for yourself: WESTERN LAND GRANTS - FOX


After her husband died Widow Thirza and her children moved to River Lot 107 which is located just north of her father’s home (where the Lockport Bridge and Stevens Avenue are located today).


A Red River Rebellion
Manitoba becomes a Province


On July 1, 1867 the British colonies in North America were united under the British North American Act to become the Dominion of Canada.  Sir John A MACDONALD (1815-1891) was appointed as Canada’s first Prime Minister. On Oct 11, 1869, Louis RIEL (1844-1885) placed his foot on the surveyors’ chain to tell them their work was finished! This marked the beginning of another Red River Métis Rebellion. Most of the conflict related to the rebellion occurred in the southern parts of the Red River region and involved French speaking Métis who were supported by the North West Company (NWC) in opposition to the Hudson’s Bay Company (HBC). The half-breed population north of Kildonan was mostly English speaking people who supported the HBC.

The Rebellion ended when RIEL’s Provisional Government accepted the terms of the Manitoba Act and on July 15,1870Manitoba became the fifth province of Canada, the Canadian Government having acquired the territory previously governed by the HBC.


It was around 1870 that daughter Sarah married John THOMPSON (1845- ?), son of Mary DANIEL & Andrew THOMPSON from Scotland. They settled on Lot 71 in St Andrews Parish (not far north of the Old St Andrews Church).

In 1870 the FOX family was recorded on Lot 107. Children were: Mary (age 20), William (15), John (11), Marguerite (8) and Elizabeth (age 5).


On Mar 12, 1872 Thirza’s father (Richard STEVENS) died at the age of 79.


In 1874 daughter Mary married in Winnipeg to Frank PERRY, and Englishman from Ontario, recently discharged after serving in the Wolseley Expedition that was sent out to put down the Red River Rebellion.


In 1875 Thirza (of St Andrews) claimed Scrip as the widow of Charles FOX.


By this time son William was considered the head of the household on Lot 107. In 1884 he married Jane STRUTHERS who died in childbirth in 1886. In 1889 William remarried to Sarah Ann KENNEDY who died in 1891. Widow Thirza was living with William throughout this period and by 1891 daughter Mary and her four youngsters had moved in with them as well (her husband Frank PERRY having apparently left her).


In 1894 son William moved joined the HBC and moved away to BC where he later became the manager of a trading post at Fort Graham in the New Caledonia District.


In 1899 granddaughter Mary Elizabeth “Minnie” PERRY married in Winnipeg to William Richard MEADE (1876-1962). They took up residence in St Paul Parish (Middlechurch). In the census of 1901 Widow Thirza FOX (now 77 years old) was recorded living with them there.


In 1903 grandson Thomas Alfred PERRY married Minnie HANSON. They took up residence in the Dauphin District. Widow Thirza FOX (now age 83) was recorded with them there in 1906.


On May 29, 1910 Theresa FOX died in St Andrews, age 87


Please post comments and queries at this link: FORUM DISCUSSING the CHARLES FOX FAMILY


==================== Family Details ====================



1. May 13, 1842 ANN "NANCY" FOX (m. Thomas BIRD)


2. Dec 22, 1847 SARAH FOX (m. John THOMPSON)

3. Jan 1, 1849 MARY FOX (m. Frank PERRY)

4. c1855 WILLIAM FOX (m1. Jane STRUTHERS, m2. Sarah Ann KENNEDY)



